The Only Uncensored Version!
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The Return of the Gods Uncensored 8 DVD Album is the only UNCENSORED VERSION of Jonathan Cahn’s most explosive book and mystery ever. In it, you will not only hear the mysteries of the gods – YOU’LL SEE THEM! with images & prophetic events caught on video!
This is the only uncensored version of The Return of the Gods anywhere! So in addition to the mystery, you will be getting the special content and revelations Too Much Or Too Explosive To Put Into The Book! *It contains material, content, and secrets that are contained nowhere else on earth – not even in the book!
Some of the special or uncensored material includes: *The Mystery of the Shepherd *The Curse of Erishkigal *The Images of the Gallu *Video Footage of an Eyewitness Recording of the Sign of Baal Manifesting in New York City *The gods in the White House and the leader who consulted with them *The Keys to Overcome and prevail in the Days of the gods *And More!
In The Return of the Gods Uncensored, you will get Jonathan Cahn revealing the Mystery in detail on 8 one-hour DVDs: 1) The Spirits 2) The Possessor 3) The Enchantress 4) The Destroyer 5) The Transformer 6) Explosion 7) Dominion 8) War of the Gods
The Return Of The Gods is the most explosive mystery Jonathan Cahn has ever brought forth. It will explain everything that is happening in our world, in America, in the lives of those around you, even in your life.
Who are the gods? What are they? When did they return? What is the Dark Trinity? Who is the Possessor? The Enchantress? The Destroyer? The Transformer?
Have the gods actually manifested in New York City? Have they gained control of Washington DC? What is the secret that lies behind the Rainbow flag that goes back to ancient Mesopotamia? What are the gods planning for our children? What are they planning to do to believers?
This is the message you can’t afford not to hear, for your sake, for your family, for the people in your lives, what you need to know, how to stand, how to overcome in the days ahead. It will blow your mind and it could save your life!